Price $189.99

Product Description

Produces 10 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using two-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores. (center height is 7 feet +or-)

Produces 8 ft through 24 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops.

Center height based on product:

C-8: 7 ft tall center height

Produces 8 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using two-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores. 

C-10: 7 ft tall center height

Produces 10 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using two-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores. 

C-12: 6 ft tall center height

Produces 12 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using two-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores.

C-16: 8 ft tall center height

Produces 16 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using two and a half-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores. 

C-20: 9.5 ft tall center height

Produces 20 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using three-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores.

C-24: 11.5 ft tall center height

Produces 24 ft wide Greenhouse Hoops using four-10' 6" lengths of 1 3/8 inch o.d. 16 or 17 gage chain link fence top rail tubing which is sold at all hardware stores. (center height is 11 feet +or-)Is this your first G/H please read More Information